Cleveland PTA is Proud to Give Back in our Community
Here are some of the ways you can be involved!
Upcoming Give Backs for this year:
Pop tab collection is ongoing and watch for another drop-off time soon!
Reach out to for details.

We are collecting ALL YEAR LONG!
Information for the next drop off will soon follow! Please be on the lookout for more details.
Prior Holiday Give Backs
Donated Glasses: 180 pairs
Toys for Tots: 220 toys
Sock Drive: 219 pairs (in prior years)
Cleveland families and friends - we can't thank you enough for ALL your VERY GENEROUS donations. With this we are giving such a tremendous gift to families in our very own community!
Coins for Caring
- Who it helps: Cleveland families in need this holiday season.
- What you can do: Start donating your quarters, dimes, nickels and pennies!
Contact: Aspen Vejar